Kent District Library Launches Curbside Pickup and Announces Reopening
Jun 09, 2020 04:05PM ● By Press Release
Kent County, Michigan – Good news! All those library materials that patrons have been holding onto for the last couple of months can be returned soon. Exterior book drops at all Kent District Library locations are now open. Curbside service, for picking up items, will begin Monday, June 15 and the projected reopen date for limited service in the branches is Monday, July 6.
KDL is taking this phased approach to reopening, introducing those services that can be immediately provided while staff make adjustments within the facilities to ensure safety and compliance. The most significant changes are required within the library facilities, to move public computers, designate safe-distancing areas and implement additional sanitation procedures. Executive Order 2020-110 states that the library may reopen for public access, subject to the rules governing retail stores described in Executive Order 2020-97 or any order that may follow from it.
Library patrons are reminded that since KDL is a fine-free library, it is okay to hold onto materials until it’s convenient to return them. With more than 240,000 items currently checked out, book drops may become busy during the first few days, but the library will be ready for returns. Items will be placed in quarantine for three days before being returned to the collection for future checkouts.
The new curbside service is an easy and safe way for people to pick up checked out materials from the convenience of their car. To use curbside service:
1. Visit, search the catalog and place items on hold, indicating the branch location for pickup.
2. After receiving notification that items are ready for pick-up, visit the branch during normal open hours and park in one of the designated Curbside Pick-up spots.
3. Call the number listed on the signs in the parking lot; please have your library card number ready.
4. A library staff member will bring the items to the car.
Details for visiting library branches will be announced shortly before the July 6 reopening date. Check for the latest updates.