Couples in Business: Rebel Reclaimed
Feb 19, 2018 10:00AM ● By WLMagazine
by Sarah Anderson | photography by Two Eagles Marcus
Step into Rebel Reclaimed, and you’ll most likely be greeted by Chip Minor or Dann Boyles, proud owners of the unique gift shop in Eastown. The carefully curated gifts, fun atmosphere and overall sense of joy in the air is a reflection of the couple’s chemistry.
“Because we have chemistry as a couple, we are able to make people feel at home when they come in the store,” Dann remarked. It’s almost an extension of our home. We have an energy between the two of us that we are able to convey to the customer.”
While Dann takes the more creative role and Chip works a little more behind the scenes, both work on the floor and are intimately involved in treating their customers as family. As for everything else?
“As other things come up, we kind of split it,” Chip explained. “It’s kind of like when you have a roommate; if there are dirty dishes, you clean them. Because we have run a household together before, it was very natural.”
The most challenging part for the couple is not being able to vacation together anymore, but the two have plans to change that. They have hired capable hands for the business so they can dream of trips together once again.
When probed about advice the pair would give another couple entering business, Chip says, “Don’t do it!”
He’s joking of course. The two emphasized making sure that you really like your partner, and occasionally being able to say, “I really like you, I just don’t want to be around you right now.”
[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Sarah shuffles between editorial support, content production and advertising at WLM. She loves her job so much, and isn't just saying that to impress her boss.[/two_third_last]