Join the Club! West Michigan Professional Clubs and Organizations - A to Z
Sep 11, 2011 08:07PM ● By WLMagazine
Ad Club of West Michigan Contact: 459-9196 or email [email protected] Purpose: For advertising and marketing professionals. Activities include industry advocacy, social and community events and educational programs.
The Interactive Association of West Michigan Contact: 954-9556 ext. 116 or email [email protected] Purpose: aimWest is a professional association supporting and promoting the growth of the interactive and technology industries throughout west Michigan.
American Marketing Association of West Michigan Contact: [email protected] Purpose: To provide solid, marketing-oriented programs, unique and fun networking events and introductions to key marketing professionals at some of the premier regional companies.
American Society of Women Accountants Purpose: To help women in all accounting and related fields achieve their full potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.
Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC), West Michigan Chapter Purpose: An association of general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and associates who work together to improve the construction industry.
Association of Information Technology Professionals Purpose: To facilitate awareness and effective use of information technology and provide members with leadership opportunities.
Business and Professional Women Michigan Purpose: To support workforce development programs and policies that recognize the diverse needs of working women, communities and businesses.
Center for Community Leadership (formerly Leadership Grand Rapids) Purpose: To develop and engage an effective, diverse network of community trustee leaders serving for the betterment of the entire community.
Economic Club of Grand Rapids Contact: 454-1883 or [email protected] Purpose: This association promotes interest and enlightens members on governmental, economic and social issues that affect the local economy.
Grand Rapids Association of Realtors Contact: 940-8200 or 888-940-GRAR Purpose: Advancement of the West Michigan real estate community.
Grand Rapids Bar Association Purpose: A climate in which lawyers and judges work together to improve the delivery of legal services. The association has been the vehicle through which lawyers have worked to address challenges demanding flexibility and change.
Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW) and AWE Purpose: This nonprofit economic development organization provides women with opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge to become economically self-sufficient. GROW provides training and business support services to women who are starting or expanding businesses.
Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) offers benefits and networking opportunities for existing women-owned businesses and professionals.
Grand Rapids Young Professionals Purpose: Dedicated to providing young professionals with the opportunity to interact professionally and socially with each other through volunteer opportunities and leadership roles.
Greater Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Contact: 771-0300 or [email protected] Purpose: Creating opportunities for West Michigan businesses to connect, grow and succeed.
Greater Grand Rapids Association for Human Resource Management Contact: [email protected] Purpose: To promote the growth and development of sound human resource practices in business and in the community.
Greater Grand Rapids Home Builders Association Purpose: Networking opportunities, educational programs, insurance and group benefits, legal advice and more.
Greater Grand Rapids Women’s History Council Contact: 234-3603 or [email protected] Purpose: Dedicated to educating the community and celebrating the legacies of local women, preserving knowledge of their past and inspiring visions for their future.
Inforum Purpose: Provides networking opportunities for businesswomen to connect, discuss civic and business issues and advance as leaders.
Interchange/Association for Professional Communicators Purpose: Open to all interested in professional communication, the group addresses issues related to the communication field.
International Association of Administrative Professionals Purpose: To promote excellence for administrative assistants, executive secretaries, office coordinators, information specialists and related administrative professionals.
Local First Contact: [email protected] Purpose: Encourages the development of a vibrant, sustainable west Michigan economy by promoting local business ownership, social equity and environmental kinship through education, support and collaboration.
Michigan Nurses Association Contact: email [email protected] or 517-349-5640 or 888-MI-NURSE Purpose: To provide educational opportunities and comprehensive services that advance professional and economic interests of registered nurses.
Michigan Small Business Development Center Contact: 331-7370 Purpose: To provide services and support to the Michigan small business community in the areas of counsel, training, research and advocacy. Serves Kent, Ottawa and Muskegon Counties.
Michigan Women’s Foundation Purpose: To promote economic self-sufficiency and personal wellbeing for women and girls, to maximize their contributions to society.
Multiracial Association of Professionals (MAP) Purpose: Dedicated to making people of all races and ethnicities comfortable living in west Michigan. Hosts networking, cultural and educational events. Events and membership open to all.
NALS of West Michigan (National Association of Legal Secretaries) Purpose: Enhancing the knowledge of its members through continuing legal education, certifications, resource materials, and networking opportunities at all levels in the organization.
National Association of Social Workers, NASW Michigan Chapter or Contact: 517-487-0675 or email [email protected] Purpose: To enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), GR Chapter Purpose: To enhance the success of women in the construction industry.
Rotary Club of Grand Rapids Purpose: To provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Neighborhood Business Alliance (NBA) Contact: email [email protected] Purpose: NBA is an information and advocacy organization. The NBA meets quarterly to share best practices and advocate on issues effecting neighborhood businesses and districts.
Neighborhood Ventures Purpose: Neighborhood Ventures neighborhoodbased community and economic development organization that works to bring greater vitality and success into neighborhood business districts. These efforts improve the quality of life and the quality of place, enhancing the economic health of Grand Rapids’ urban neighborhoods.
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Contact: 771-0305 or [email protected] Purpose: SCORE is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping small businesses begin from those which are someone’s dream; to those already in business which may have challenges.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Grand Rapids Chapter Contact: email [email protected] Purpose: To provide manufacturing solutions through education and professional growth opportunities for current and future members.
Toastmasters International Contact: 949-858-8255 Purpose: Members learn to improve their communication and leadership skills by attending and participating in meetings. Various chapters located throughout greater Grand Rapids.
The Right Place Inc. Contact: 771-0325 or email [email protected] Purpose: The Right Place, Inc. is an organization supported through investments from the private and public sector. Its mission is to promote wealth creation and economic growth in the areas of quality employment, productivity and innovation in West Michigan by developing jobs through leading business retention, expansion and attraction efforts.
Unstoppable Women’s Networking Contact: Leah Grace, co-founder, 813-8601 or email [email protected] Purpose: To provide the opportunity for home-based entrepreneurs to experience the benefits of being included in a business community and be a catalyst for connections that lead to inspirations, motivations, growth and leadership.
The Urban League Purpose: To enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power and civil rights.
West Michigan Public Relations Society of America (WMPRSA) Purpose: To help public relations professionals develop the knowledge and skills needed for effective management of organizations.
Women’s Connection and After Five Club Contact: 800-525-8627 or email [email protected] Purpose: To provide an opportunity for women to give themselves a treat through a monthly brunch, luncheon or dinner meeting designed for professional women.
Women’s Resource Center of Greater Grand Rapids Purpose: A career development agency that serves women of all economic and social backgrounds. Services include comprehensive employment preparation and career development services, one-on-one career guidance, job leads, a resource library with information on many occupations, information and referrals to community resources and personal counseling.
Zonta International Purpose: A worldwide organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women. Meets monthly.
Compiled by Meaghan O’Connor