The Naked Truth: Inside Clothing Optional Resorts
Jul 30, 2018 10:00AM ● By WLMagazine
For some, the idea of public speaking is a terror inducing scenario; while for others, the thought of being naked in public strikes fear in their hearts as well. How interesting that we are often told to imagine our audience naked to put ourselves more at ease with the situation! What if we applied that same logic to a vacation at a clothing optional resort? Yes, it sounds terrifying, but when you’re with a group and everyone is doing it, it helps lessen the scare factor and creates sense of community. You might even like it!
When I mention clothing optional resorts, people usually say one of two things: “Oh, I could NEVER do that! I don’t look good enough.” or “I couldn’t be naked 24/7 in front of strangers!” While those concerns are valid, they’re founded on fears that our society has indoctrinated us in. So you don’t look good enough, huh? I thought we were talking about vacation and not an advertising campaign! Marketing and beauty industry standards aside, you don’t have to look a certain way to be able to enjoy yourself at a clothing optional resort. Despite many of the images that advertise the resorts, you will find an amazing mix of people and bodies soaking up the sun. Trust me, I know: I did the field research at Hedonism in Jamaica.
“Easygoing, open-minded and sociable guests are what makes it possible to create the liberating, judgement-free environment,” Kevin Levee, general manager, said. “Regardless of size, sexuality and relationship status, people know they can head here to pursue pleasure in a fun, safe and positive atmosphere.”
It’s also important to note that just because it is clothing optional, it doesn’t mean you have to be fully in the buff 24/7. The only time this is enforced is when you are on the nude side of whichever resort you’re at. Afterall, it wouldn’t be equitable to the rest of the guests if you suddenly rolled up clothed. “Clothing optional” means you have the chance to be as mild or as wild as you would like. People often cite that a resort with all inclusive amenities and nudity is a recipe for disaster, but I strongly disagree; however, those who patronize these types of places are adults who understand consent and communication. Security and safety are of the utmost importance to the resort guests and staff.If you’re looking for a getaway that has your favorite amenities such as all you can eat, all you can drink, entertainment, daily activities, beaches and pools, yet unlike any other you’ve experienced before, consider visiting a clothing optional resort.
Megan's Tips for a Smooth Clothing Optional Vacation
— Research the theme nights while you’re staying there. Since you’re on vacation, join in on the party! Be sure to pack any fun outfits if you’d like.
— Pack less! Skip the checked luggage and pack less clothing; you won’t need it.
— Go nude! You came all this way and booked a stay at the property, at least try it once. You might like it.
— Ask before you touch. Contrary to popular belief, just because the resort is clothing optional does NOT mean it’s a sexual free for all. You are expected to act as you would at any other social gathering.
— Meet people! Trust me, these are just regular people who are happy to make a human connection. You may even become new best friends.
— Inquire about the camera policy. You’re on vacation, so it’s likely you will want to take photos. Check in with the resort about their guidelines on photography. It will likely be allowed except in the nude areas. Respect everyone’s privacy and be a good neighbor!
— SUNSCREEN! It’s likely that you will be vacationing somewhere where the sun’s rays are quite strong. Protect your skin, especially the parts that don’t normally see sunshine; you know where I mean.
Dr. Megan Stubbs is a Sexologist, the job you never saw on career day. For insightful tips or a good laugh, find her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and