Glam & Glowing: 7 Brilliant at-Home Beauty Hacks
Feb 16, 2018 10:00AM ● By WLMagazine
For those of us who refuse to believe that there isn’t something better out there, the quest for the perfect beauty solutions is never ending. In the spirit of never settling for mediocre and never accepting “good enough,” try these at-home hacks that rival some of the top products on the market.

Plump Your Lips
Looking for a little lip help without committing to anything major? Try olive oil infused with cinnamon sticks to spice up your pout before going out. Submerge 3-4 cinnamon sticks in a small jar of olive oil, and wait a couple of weeks for the mixture to fully infuse; then you’re ready to apply a coat to your lips and hit the town channeling your inner Angelina.

Ditch the Split Ends
Sometime the best leave-in conditioner and repair masks can’t stop some winter hair fragility. Invest in a pair of hair cutting scissors and stay diligent with your ends between salon appointments so the split doesn’t travel further up the hair shaft. Your hair will look fuller and healthier and continue to grow through the cold winter months.

Revive Your Skin
Brew a cup of green tea and pour it into a glass spray bottle. Leave it in the fridge and mist it on your face for an instant refresher. Spray it over a clean face in the morning to tone, brighten and treat your skin to antioxidants or spritz it on over your makeup midday to reap the caffeinated benefits of the tea and bring your skin back to life.

Keep Your Hair Clean & Bouncy
End the bedtime “I-should-really-wash-my hair-today” guilt with a sprinkle of baby powder all over your roots. Sleep peacefully and wake up to oil-free locks that you definitely can leave for a few more days before washing. If your ends tend to get dry, put a dab of Moroccan oil on them before bed; wake up, comb through your mane, and just say, “Thank you!” when someone notices your brilliant hair day.

Calm & Hydrate Your Skin
The cure to all your skin woes could be sitting right in your window sill. Aloe Vera is hydrating and incredibly calming. Its healing and anti-inflammatory properties aren’t just for burns. It moisturizes, calms redness and acne, and can even help fight aging. Coat your face in 100 percent pure Aloe Vera gel first thing in the morning and last thing before bed, either store bought or directly from the leaf and enjoy a fresh, glow all year round.

Nourish Your Nails
If you have troubles keeping your nails long and strong, try applying s vitamin E oil to your nails and cuticles a few times a day. Vitamin E oil is filled with antioxidants and packs a moisturizing punch. The combination will help restore your nails to health and protect them from the elements. For an added benefit, drop some in your soap dispensers throughout your home to continue protecting your nails and hands even while washing them.

Grow Long, Full Eyelashes & Bolder Brows
Bold eyelashes and long brows are sweeping the world of beauty. If you’d like to lengthen your lashes and thicken your brows naturally, try castor oil. With roots dating back to Ancient Egypt, castor oil has a rich history of curing ailments and being used in everyday applications from digestive health to inducing labor in pregnant women. Today, it’s widely used to increase hair growth. Rub some on your eyelashes and eyebrows before bed every night and watch each day as they thicken and grow. Feel free to rub some on your roots 20 minutes before you shower to help your mane grow long and strong, too.

Go to the Dark Side
If you have lighter brows, brush them with a mixture of used coffee grounds, cocoa powder, coconut oil and honey to tint them a few shades darker. Wait about 20 minutes and remove with a wet cloth or cotton swab.
[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Sarah shuffles between editorial support, content production and advertising at WLM. She loves her job so much, and isn't just saying that to impress her boss.[/two_third_last]